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  • Published
    November 24, 2010

    Our View: Couple’s gift to food pantry shows the way to help out

    Not everyone can come up with 50 turkeys, but all of us could do a little this season.

  • Published
    November 24, 2010

    Our View: Portland’ssecret election process won’t be missed

    While no one is saying exactly how it happened, Portland got a new mayor Monday, who is actually the old mayor, Nicholas Mavodones, agreeing to come back for one more turn.<br /><br /> It's a good move for the city. Portland is in the last year of a nearly 90-year-old form of government, in which the City Council elects one of its members to serve as the council's ceremonial leader, chairing meetings and representing the city to the public.<br /><br /> Mavodones is well-liked and experienced and should provide a steady hand during a difficult budget season. And he will be a familiar face to representatives of the state and federal government and the business community, with whom the city must interact.

  • Published
    November 19, 2010

    Our View: Don’t move artwork – unless it’s to the dump

    Public art that just makes people mad won't fit better in one location than another.

  • Published
    November 19, 2010

    Our Views: Judge right to limit scope of Dechaine hearing

    The purpose is to determine whether there should be a new trial, not to retry the case.

  • Published
    November 18, 2010

    Our View: Imagine rewarding doctors for having healthy patients?

    Changing the paradigm from treating illness to keeping people well is the goal of a new program.

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  • Published
    November 18, 2010

    Our View: LePage’s budget panel faces daunting task

    If you're contemplating a fiscal knot that no single person seems able to unravel, would adding a variety of views to the mix produce results?<br /><br /> That was the idea behind President Obama's 18-member bipartisan debt commission, which is due to hand down its recommendations Dec. 1.<br /><br /> And it's apparently what's driving Gov.-elect Paul LePage's effort to produce a balanced budget for the state of Maine in the coming fiscal biennium.

  • Published
    November 17, 2010
    Mitch McConnell

    Our View: Earmark moratoriumsends right message

    Senators should file this one under the heading of "you've got to start somewhere," and pass a moratorium on earmarks, the budgetary device that lets members of Congress steer money to pet projects. <br><br> It's not that banning earmarks would save a lot of money – it wouldn't. They make up less than 1 percent of federal spending and, even if you eliminated all of them permanently, you would barely make a dent in the national debt.<br><br>

  • Published
    November 17, 2010

    Our View: Portland’s gun resolution empty answer to non-issue

    Open-carry of firearms is not a public safety problem that deserves so much attention.

  • Published
    November 16, 2010

    Our View: New governorshould clear the air on wind

    It's said that investors can tolerate anything but uncertainty, and that's what opponents of wind power development appear to be counting on. <br /><br /> After eight years of solid support from Maine's governor and growing backing of green energy projects in the stimulus bill by the federal government, wind power looked like a good investment to the private sector and a number of projects got under way.<br /><br />

  • Published
    November 16, 2010

    Our View: St. Lawrence Arts group fiesty enough to pull this off

    An organization that has built something out of nothing has big plans for the future.