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  • Published
    December 3, 2010

    Our View: No real conflict between religious holiday observance

    The Constitution does not prevent people from public religious observance.

  • Published
    December 2, 2010

    Our View: Republicans should not kill Labor Committee

    Regardless of who is in the majority, every voice should have a chance to be heard.

  • Published
    December 2, 2010

    Our View: Seniors should seek out free Medicare counseling

    In one respect, Medicare is simple. If you are over 65, you receive health insurance through the government.<br /><br /> But any one who has been through the process knows that navigating the system us anything but simple.<br /><br /> Everyone has to sign up for Medicare Part B (which covers doctors visits) and get a "medigap" policy with a private insurer to pay the portion of bills that the program doesn't cover.

  • Published
    December 1, 2010

    Our View: Plan to freezefederal wages is promising first step

    While he may not say it, the message is clear: President Obama's proposed two-year freeze on federal wages is a response to this month's midterm election, in which his party took a beating in the polls.<br/><br/> Voters have expressed a lack of confidence with the direction of the country and the economy, concern about out-of-control spending and a distaste for winner-take-all party politics in Washington.<br/><br/> In this one proposal, Obama has moved to address a major concern while facing the ire of one of his core constituency groups in federal employee unions. At the same time, he has adopted an idea championed by Republican lawmakers, signaling a willingness to work with them as full partners.

  • Published
    December 1, 2010

    Our View: Chinese student exchange an export opportunity for Maine

    Our universities have something to offer the world, and foreign students have what we need.

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  • Published
    November 30, 2010

    Another View: Build fuel-efficient cars to cope with higher gas prices

    Mainers drive more than some others, and higher-mileage cars could help save money.

  • Published
    November 30, 2010

    Our View: WikiLeaks disclosuresteach vital lesson

    It may be that no other nation in history has suffered a diplomatic catastrophe like the one the release of 250,000 secret State Department cables has imposed on this country.<br/><br/> The cables were apparently turned over to a group called WikiLeaks by Bradley Manning, a disgruntled Army intelligence analyst who is now in custody. They contain U.S. diplomats' candid and often critical comments on the leaders and policies of other nations, including many allies as well as opponents. ("Wiki" is a term for a website open to rapid updates from a wide variety of sources.)<br/><br/> The new disclosures, which follow the release of previous batches of videos and memos on U.S. military actions in Iraq and Afghanistan, have left political and diplomatic figures reeling at the highest levels.

  • Published
    November 26, 2010

    Our View: School discipline report should not be forgotten

    As a new administration comes to power, good work like this should be considered.

  • Published
    November 26, 2010

    Our View: Smart meters shouldn’t be stopped by suspicions

    The Public Utilities Commission should have a straightforward case when deciding whether Central Maine Power can continue with its "smart meter" installation program.<br /><br /> On one hand, the commissioners have information filed by the company that shows the meters, which emit a radio signal that allows them to be read remotely, have not been proven to pose any health or safety danger.<br /><br /> On the other hand, they have speculation from opponents who blame the meters for reported muscle spasms, headaches and insomnia, and unformed suspicions about cancer. They call for a halt to their installation until more research can definitively determine the safety of the devices.

  • Published
    November 25, 2010

    Our View: We can be thankful for Baldacci’s tax stance

    Holding the line on spending has positioned the state well for economic growth.