Lone Pine’s Allen’s Coffee Breakfast Stout, Maine Beer’s Fall Coffee Stout and Liquid Riot’s Mocha Stout. Photo by Caitlin Enz

Quick, when you hear “Maine alcohol,” what are the first two things that come to mind? Were they Allen’s Coffee Flavored Brandy and craft beer, by any chance? Lone Pine Brewing Co. has just released a new beer that combines the two: Allen’s Coffee Breakfast Stout.

Thomas Madden, head brewer and a founder of the Portland brewery, said that the whole Lone Pine team was excited about the quintessential Maine-ness of working with such a revered brand as Allen’s Coffee Brandy. He described the stout as dark, nice and round, and with a slick mouthfeel, which perfectly counters the bitter and roasty bite of the coffee extract.

At any Maine bar, you’re likely to find Allen’s served in a cocktail with milk, which is where the breakfast inspiration came from. However, Madden is more likely to pair this beer with dessert, specifically vanilla ice cream. Personally, when I’m confronted with ice cream and a stout, I can never decide if I want to enjoy the two in their separate dishes, or combine them to make a float. Madden said he’d go with both options and hopes to see more stout floats in general.

Since stout season is upon us, seasonal releases are already popping up everywhere in stores and tap houses. Lone Pine’s new release is hardly the only to incorporate the flavor of coffee. So if you’re a java lover, here are a couple others to try.


Tasting notes: Dark brown with a light brown head. Aroma of coffee, burnt toast. Smooth, slick mouthfeel, medium bitterness. Tastes like coffee, burnt toast, with a hint of almond and vanilla. Made with Allen’s coffee-flavored extract.


Pairing notes: We are now officially in the holiday season and the most fun way I can think of to eat the same thing three days in a row is to pair it with a beer. I asked Madden which leftovers would pair nicely and he said anything with a chocolate, cream or vanilla base. He thought that the hint of almond in the beer would be the perfect complement to pecan pie. Now you know what to do with excess dessert: Add beer.


Tasting notes: Dark brown with light brown head. Aroma of coffee, clementine, roasted bread, slightly burnt coffee. Smooth and soft mouthfeel. Less bitter than Allen’s Coffee Breakfast Stout. Tastes like coffee and roasted bread, with a slight fruitiness.

Pairing notes: I would try this with chocolate mousse or orange rinds coated in chocolate.


Tasting notes: Dark brown with a light brown head. Aroma of coffee, roasted bread, chocolate, stone fruit, almond. Smooth mouthfeel. Tastes like coffee and chocolate, finishes with roasted bread and a hint of fruitiness. Tastes like a mocha. Brewed with Tandem coffee and cacao nibs.

Pairing notes: I would try this with a chocolate spread (the Hazelnut Chocolate Crème by Portland’s Chocolats Passion is your best bet if you’re feeling luxurious), or with chocolate chip dessert pancakes.

Madden described the year-long collaboration process that brought Allen’s Coffee Breakfast Stout into being as energizing and refreshing. After trying these three stouts with notes of coffee, I’m energized and ready to work them into my next dessert pairing.

Caitlin Enz is a Certified Cicerone® who lives in Portland. Follow her on Instagram at @hops_and_brains.

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