electric grid
PublishedOctober 20, 2023
$30 million grant to bolster CMP grid a down payment on big projects
The money will be spent installing new devices that allow power to be restored more quickly and often remotely. The limited number of new devices already in service restored power to 74,000 customers in less than five minutes, said CMP.
PublishedJune 13, 2023
Winter grid concerns bringing federal energy agency to Portland
The high cost of shipping imported liquefied natural gas through a terminal in Massachusetts is a key factor that drove Maine's electricity rates to record levels last winter.
PublishedMarch 6, 2023
Billion-dollar power lines finally inching ahead to help U.S. grids
There is increasing understanding by local communities and even traditional opponents of the need to move clean energy from rural outposts and to build more durable electric systems.
PublishedFebruary 16, 2023
Maine Voices: What can we, as citizens, do to help save the planet?
Keep telling our lawmakers that they need to support renewable energy, an updating of our electric grid and the end of government subsidies for the fossil fuel industry.
PublishedFebruary 2, 2023
Federal regulators clear connection obstacle in fight over CMP corridor project
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ruled Wednesday that equipment must be upgraded at a New Hampshire power plant so the transmission line can connect to the regional grid.