Brunswick town council
PublishedSeptember 9, 2020
Brunswick creates new grant writer position
The $63,000 position, being dubbed the “Economic Development Specialist/Grant Writer” is funded by the revenue captured by the Cooks Corner tax increment financing district.
PublishedSeptember 7, 2020
Brunswick council votes to set aside money rather than offset tax increase
Councilors ultimately decided that the benefits of using the money to fund services or offset future losses outweighed the approximate $12 cost savings the average taxpayer would have seen.
PublishedAugust 31, 2020
Glass won’t be recyclable in Brunswick in two weeks
Town officials estimate that taking glass out of the recycling stream will save roughly $7,000 in processing costs between now and June 30, 2021.
PublishedAugust 10, 2020
Brunswick council considering changes to marijuana rules because current standards make retail impossible
As written, the conditional use ordinances effectively prohibit any retail marijuana in town, even in the places it's supposed to be allowed.
PublishedJuly 21, 2020
Brunswick, DOE to pay for Coffin School ventilation repairs, but future of the building still unknown
Some school officials are eyeing its potential as overflow space for junior high students social distancing under COVID-19.
PublishedJune 16, 2020
Town council: ‘Black lives matter to the town of Brunswick’
Town councilors on Monday approved a statement, 7-2, condemning racism and police brutality, voicing support for the Black Lives Matter movement and five statewide and local policy recommendations. They hope to form a task force in the coming months.
PublishedJune 14, 2020
Brunswick council irons out flat budget, expected to approve it Monday
No changes anticipated in planned police department spending
PublishedJune 10, 2020
Brunswick councilors to discuss local policing in wake of protests
Councilors expect to discuss the police budget Thursday after receiving dozens of requests to "defund the police" and reallocate money from the department to social services, but councilors say that such a complicated, contentious topic likely will need more attention than just a budget workshop.
PublishedMay 25, 2020
Brunswick presents flat municipal budget, but savings are not without costs
The town and school budgets are expected to carry a 0% tax increase, residents will still face a 3.4% tax increase with the Kate Furbish Elementary School debt service and the county tax.
PublishedMay 19, 2020
Brunswick council considers halting glass recycling to reduce costs
By removing glass, the heaviest item in the average recycling bin, officials hope to reduce the overall weight of the materials, therefore reducing the cost of recycling.