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  • Published
    October 24, 2010

    Our endorsement for governor:Eliot Cutler the best choice to lead Maine forward

    His proposals are thoughtful, logical and, most important of all, doable.

  • Published
    October 23, 2010

    Our View: We support Alfond and Martin for Maine Senate

    One Democrat and one Republican would provide balance in the Portland delegation.

  • Published
    October 22, 2010

    Our View: For S. Portland council, we pick Blake, Russell

    An experienced incumbent and a small-business owner would best balance the council.

  • Published
    October 22, 2010

    Our View: School officials should crack down on dirty dancing

    From the 1920s Flappers on to punk rockers in the '80s, every generation of American young people has found a way of rebelling that makes their parents uncomfortable. And from the comfortable distance of past decades, some of those parents look a little silly for objecting to what now seem like tame expressions of independence. <br /><br /> But that doesn't mean those parents were wrong. Part of the adults' job is to educate and instruct young people about the social norms of society, as they have been passed on. The idea that some of them may someday be old-fashioned is not a reason to let the kids do whatever they feel like doing. <br /><br />

  • Published
    October 21, 2010

    Classroom cheating rules should be made clear

    Portland schools may soon clarify policies for the improper use of handheld devices.

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  • Published
    October 21, 2010

    Will Mitchell is our pick for Portland council

    Even after three years of tough budgets, Portland's city government cannot expect much of a break. <br /><br /> The same recession-driven loss of commercial development and cuts in state aid can be expected to continue for at least a few more years. <br /><br /> But Portland's response shouldn't be just more budget trimming and service cuts. The city also should be developing a forward-thinking vision for what it can become despite the bad economy.

  • Published
    October 20, 2010

    Our View: Closing schoolsoff table for now in Portland

    Portland appears to have grown its way out of one of the thorniest political problems faced by the city – elementary school consolidation. <br /><br /> For years, a trend of declining enrollments and escalating costs led to calls to close one or more of the outmoded buildings and consolidate programs in new ones. It now appears that replacing Baxter and Nathan Clifford elementary schools with the new Ocean Avenue School – expected to open ahead of schedule and under budget in January – along with small but steady increases in enrollment systemwide, means that there will no longer be any overcapacity or underutilized mainland elementary schools.

  • Published
    October 19, 2010

    Our View: Eyeglass fund a good short-term aid for kids

    But private fundraising can't be counted on every year to provide this necessary service.

  • Published
    October 19, 2010

    Our View: South Portland votersshould back school bond

    Timing means a lot in politics, and backers of the South Portland high school bond probably wish their $41.5 million borrowing request was coming up at a time when the economy wasn't so fragile. <br /><br /> But a number of factors dictate that the question be decided now, and because of the age and condition of the building, low interest rates and construction costs and, most importantly, the impact on a whole generation of high school students, South Portland voters should approve this project.<br /><br />

  • Published
    October 18, 2010

    Our View: Question 1: Portland should have elected mayor

    Here's a test. You are a developer looking to do a big project in Portland. Who do you talk to? <br /><br /> The city manager? He's important, but he is an administrator, not a policy maker. <br /><br /> The mayor? You should probably give him a call, but realize that he has another full-time job and won't be able to put much energy into your proposal. Plus, take a good look at the calendar because the mayor's term starts in January and effectively runs out of steam around Election Day.