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  • Published
    February 13, 2011

    Our View: Medical marijuana’s legal status a cause of concern

    A production and distribution system unique in medicine could bring danger as well as relief.

  • Published
    February 12, 2011

    Our View: Portland schools offer carrot to early retirees

    However, a projected $4 million shortfall means that a stick remains an available option.

  • Published
    February 11, 2011

    Our View: Budget pledges impressive, but can LePage follow up?

    The governor's proposals are a radical departure from previous spending patterns.

  • Published
    February 10, 2011

    Our View: Obama unveils his pro-business agenda

    Cooperation between the government and business to grow jobs is long overdue.

  • Published
    February 9, 2011

    Our View: Efficiency is not enoughfor road fund shortfall

    David Bernhardt, Gov. LePage's nominee for commissioner of transportation, looks to have the right combination of work ethic, experience and creativity when it comes to stretching a dollar. He will need all of that and more if he is confirmed to the top job by the Senate, following the Transportation Committee's unanimous vote in favor of his confirmation.<br><br> According to a report issued to lawmakers last summer, the state is $720 million short of funding for the projects in the department's 10-year transportation plan. That means that the department is going to have to come up with more revenue or a scaled-back plan –- most likely, a combination of the two. Bernhardt has the reputation of being able to find efficiencies in a department that has seen its share of cuts. MDOT has reduced its work force by about 10 percent during the five years previous to LePage's taking office, shedding about 200 jobs.

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  • Published
    February 8, 2011

    Our View: Portland is wise to look at privatizing Riverside

    The golf course and the Portland Ice Arena should be self-supporting, not a fiscal drain.

  • Published
    February 8, 2011

    Our View: Don’t dismantlenew corrections system

    Before the Legislature starts tearing apart the state's corrections system, as recommended in several bills sponsored on behalf of some county officials, lawmakers should remember why these facilities exist.<br><br> We have prisons and jails to hold people who have been convicted of crimes or are awaiting trial in the most cost-effective way that is safe for them, the staff and the community at large.<br><br> Whenever possible, these facilities should help address underlying issues like drug abuse and mental illness in a way that would reduce recidivism, saving money and helping former inmates live more productive lives.

  • Published
    February 7, 2011

    Another View: Gov. LePage is not the only one who ignores newspaper editorials

    The media has neglected its role of informing the public, and is happy to scare it instead.

  • Published
    February 6, 2011

    Another View:Cigarette tax unfairly burdens those with modest incomes

    Why not tax other products that are unhealthy and leave smokers alone?

  • Published
    February 6, 2011

    Our View:Merger law should be improved, not gutted

    A Portland representative offers an idea that uses incentives, not penalties, to finish the job.