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Portland marijuana ordinance

South Portland tar sands referendum

Find complete Press Herald coverage of contested local races below, indexed alphabetically by town name. Or, jump directly to a town's local coverage using these links:  
Cumberland County
York County

Statewide bond questions

Election night results: Voters approve $150 million in borrowing in five bond packages
Campaign coverage:
Large Maine transportation bond has history on its side Higher education leaders pitch bonds


Election night results: Casavant re-elected as mayor Swanton, McCurry, Cote, Quattrone, Mills, Hurtubise, Read, Lessard and Fleurent are voted into the City Council. Read more >>
Mayoral campaign coverage
City Council
Campaign coverage:

Cape Elizabeth

Election night results: Newcomer Martha “Molly" MacAuslan and incumbent Caitlin Jordan win Cape council race In the School Board race, incumbent Michael Moore and Susana Measelle Hubbs won two open seats. Read more >>
Town Council
Campaign coverage:
School Board
Campaign coverage:


Election night results: RSU 5 voters approve high school renovation, but reject sports field upgrade


Election night results: Roullard, Robinson and Hartwell elected to Gorham Town Council
Town Council
Campaign coverage:
School Board
Campaign coverage:

Old Orchard Beach

Election night results: Tousignant, O’Neill and Blow elected in Old Orchard Beach council race Voters also approved a town charter amendment that would reduce the size of the council from seven members to five. Read more >>
Town Council campaign coverage


Election night results: Marijuana ordinance headed for passage Hinck defeats Lyons in at-large race while Suslovic and Duson win re-election Trevorrow and Ali win Portland school race
City Council campaign coverage
School Board campaign coverage
Marijuana referendum campaign coverage