I am a gun owner and supporter of the Second Amendment. I own a double-barreled shotgun, a .30-30 deer rifle, a .357 Magnum revolver and a 9 mm handgun. I do not need an AK-47 to go bird hunting. No one does.

Assault rifles are designed and intended for a single purpose: to kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time. There is no legitimate need for any civilian to own such a weapon, the Second Amendment phrase “a well-trained militia” and the senselessness of our Supreme Court notwithstanding.

The people of this country overwhelmingly want common-sense gun control, but Congress is eternally too busy seeking re-election and padding their personal portfolios to listen.

I fear that, until some nut job gets into the halls of Congress with an arsenal and shoots up a bunch of senators and representatives, nothing will ever change.

Bruce Sanford
