I’ve had enough of the high levels of moisture in the air for the past week or more. I know it’s summer and I know this is how it feels in summer, but I’ve never like the high humidity and I am ready for a break.

The upcoming work week looks overall pretty good in the weather department, but there are some issues. I know many of you go back to school next week and even if it’s for a few short days that milestone really does create the sense summer is coming to an end. I do have good news for those of you who think our summer weather is going to end with the arrival the yellow school buses, it’s not.

There are multiple signs that the end of August and the first part of September are going to continue to feature summer temperatures and I suspect at least a few days of high humidity. The building El Nino 1000s of miles to our southwest is and will continue to influence the global weather the rest of the year, but during the transitional month of September warmth may end up being the dominate player here in New England.

The map below shows the predicted average temperatures for the fall period of September through November. Notice the east coast is currently forecast to be warmer than average. This would mean some great beach days well into fall.

next three months 34124

Drier Weather Coming
This week, a cold front will eventually push the humidity out to sea, but leave behind it a dry, warm pattern. Both Thursday and Friday this week look to feature highs around 80 degrees with low levels of humidity. Another bonus will be cooler and more comfortable nights starting Wednesday. You can plan on windows being able to be left open later this week and the air conditioning being able to be shut off.

Possible Storms
The transition to drier air may come with a band. As the cold front pushes into the very moist and humid air over the region Tuesday, a line of showers and thunderstorms will develop. It’s too early to say if these storms would reach severe levels, but strong storms are likely for some areas Tuesday afternoon and evening. More on this as we get closer to the arrival of the front.

Hurricane Danny has now weakened to a tropical low and will continue to fall apart as it passes over the Caribbean Islands. You might not have heard, but many of those islands, including Puerto Rico are experiencing drought conditions. It’s ironic that an area with so much humidity, surrounded by water, has seen less than average precipitation for a while. The best case scenario would be several small tropical waves or storms to bring some much needed rain to the area without the damage of a hurricane.

There are several other tropical systems which will need to be watched this week and next. The height of hurricane season is rapidly approaching. The map below shows two areas of concern this week, currently the one in red has the highest likelihood of becoming a named storm. Should be an interesting end of August.
outlook tropcis