Vera Rand Roberts (left), president of the New Hope Midcoast Board of Directors; Rebekah Paredes (center), executive director of New Hope Midcoast; and Terri Tooley (right), treasurer of the board, with a grant check from Camden National Bank. Courtesy of Camden National Bank

Camden National Bank recently announced that Vera Rand Roberts of New Hope Midcoast has been awarded a Spotlight Award and a $2,000 grant as part of the 2023 Leaders & Luminaries Awards.

Roberts, New Hope Midcoast’s board president, was nominated by her peers for her strong leadership and advocacy skills as well as her flexibility and resourcefulness. Roberts was also credited for providing outstanding guidance to the executive director, especially during the pandemic, when the number of domestic violence incidents skyrocketed.

Camden National Bank’s annual Leaders & Luminaries awards honor nonprofit board members who demonstrate innovative thinking and outstanding governance to advance their organization’s mission and impact. Since 2011, Camden National Bank has donated $242,000 to 63 Maine nonprofits through the Leaders & Luminaries Awards presented to board members who exhibit exemplary leadership skills, execute strong strategic and financial plans, and are passionate about their organization’s long-term growth.

“Vera’s leadership at New Hope Midcoast demonstrates the tremendous impact and influence board members have on nonprofits,” Renée Smyth, chief experience and marketing officer of Camden National Bank, said in a prepared release. “We are proud to support her difficult but necessary work to build safer communities in Maine.”

Headquartered in Rockland with locations in Bath and Damariscotta, New Hope Midcoast is the Regional Domestic Violence Resource Center in Midcoast Maine. Since 1981, its staff has been serving individuals affected by domestic abuse, dating violence and stalking. By educating and empowering communities, New Hope Midcoast supports a more just and effective response to domestic violence and abuse.