What do the the ladies of the Women’s Riverside Golf Association have in common with the Portland Harley Owners Group?

Sure, they both like a good clean drive. But, more to the point, they both love kids. And both are listed below in the daily list of donors to the Press Herald Toy Fund.

They are among a diverse and very generous collection of organizations that are helping to brighten the holidays for thousands of Maine children. Money donated by the groups and by individual newspaper readers pays for new toys and books for children who might otherwise go without holidays gifts because of hardships facing their families.

A group of women who play golf together at Portland’s Riverside municipal golf course have been giving for years, ever since they decided to stop swapping gifts at their annual holiday party and instead send checks to the Toy Fund to help children. They continue to up their game each season, and this year pitched in a total of $1,910.

The Southern Maine-Portland chapter of the Harley Owners Group, or HOG, is a friendly bunch that meets monthly and organizes group rides on their Harleys. The club is among the many new friends of the charity this year, a group that Toy Fund organizers say is critical to meet the growing needs, and costs, they confront each year.

Another much appreciated gift in today’s list comes from the Employees’ Community Action Council, which is an association of people who work at the General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems facility in Saco. The funds came directly from the employees.


“We are proud to support your efforts,” the association wrote in a letter with the donation. “We thank all the staff and volunteers from the Press Herald Toy Fund for their commitment to our community. We appreciate the work you do and your consistent dedication to fulfilling community needs.”

Here are some of the many other groups that have pitched in: the Ivy Rebecca Lodge #5, Maine Podiatric Medical Association, North Scarborough Grange, Seniors of Ridgeland Gardens, Drumlin Environmental LLC, the Proprietors of Union Wharf, Portland Longshoremen’s Benevolent Society (ILA Local 861) and CEFD Hose Company No. 2 Relief Association.

Thanks to the golfers, the Harley riders, the benevolent longshoremen and all the other group donors helping make the magic happen for children in need.

The charity continues to raise funds to cover the costs of the annual toy drive, which readers have supported since 1949.

To make a donation online, go to pressherald.com/toy-fund.

Checks made out to the Portland Press Herald Toy Fund may be mailed to 295 Gannett Drive, South Portland ME 04106.


Names of donors are published in the Press Herald, the Sun Journal and the Times Record unless a donor wishes to remain anonymous.


(note: some donations include an additional amount to cover transaction fees)

In honor of our three grandchildren, Braeden, Emma and Mila.    Bonnie and Tony Redzinak            $105.52

In memory of Ted Brissette. Evelyn Brissette. $150

In celebration of our 5 granddaughters, known as “The Lady Pack.” Mary Thorp $100


Gaston Lee $50

Love from all the ladies at the Womens’ Riverside Golf Association $1,910

In memory of Edward Kelleher. Nancy Keller $100

Anonymous $100

In memory of Joe Guertin, who loved toys $50

Cindy Mackay and Kris Clark $50


In memory of Shawn McIntyre. Shirley McIntyre $25

From Mamie and Grampy. Judy Oliver. $105.52

David and Trisha. $150

Kenneth and Nancy Gordon $200

Merry Christmas to all! Jim and Janet Bither $100

In memory of our grandparents Blanche and Joe Capelluti, from Jill and Andrew Joseph Capelluti and Vanessa White-Capelluti $50


In loving memory of Ann Hall, Richard Hall, Pat Hall Benner and Doris Hardy. Deborah Hall $150

In memory of Bob and Evelyn LeClerc and Margaret Lee.  Richard LeClerc and Mary Wescott $200

Merry Christmas! Mary Grace Freeman $50

CEFD Hose Company No. 2 Relief Association $200

For Christmas Magic. Patricia Clark $500

Employees’ Community Action Council $1,000


Morton G. Soule $100

Gianna Barbieri $20

Adilene Barbieri $20

In memory of Timmy, Mom, Dad, Robin, Karen. F.J Haley $300

In memory of our parents: Sena and Warren Herbert and Irene and Henry Ducharme. Judith and Gerald Ducharme $50

Merry Christmas. Russ Lunt $25


Merry Christmas to the children, in honor of Ethan and Owen. Linda Daley $50

In loving memory of Mark Desrosiers. Mary Descoteaux $25

In memory of Walter and Stella Baker $100

In memory of Robin Hurst. Winthrop and Linda Gillis $75

From Bonnie and Blair. Blair Parkes Warner $25

Ken Marks $100


Inspired by The Maine Millennial. Steven and Susan Gross $20

Maura Carter $100

Christian Smith $148.50

Anonymous $100

From Cassie, Haylee and Jamison. Robert O’Donnell $100

Merry Christmas. Robert and Janet Ferguson $40


Erla Davis $100

In memory of Henry and Jeannette Gagnon. Rosebud Properties $200

Gladly given for such a good cause. Carol and Katie Burke $100

Cindy and Michael Coulombe $100

In loving memory of my parents, George and Frances Smith, from your daughter Theresa Theresa Hall $40

Nancy Caldwell $50


In memory of Helen and Alice Robinson. Nancy Crowell. $100

In memory of Bill Crowell. Nancy Crowell $100.00

Southern Maine Portland Harley Owners Group $150

TOTAL TO DATE:   $149,822.88

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