Can we just stop? Can we please stop the killing? Can we please stop trying to find a good reason to back Israel? Can we please stop trying to find a good reason to back the Palestinians? Those are not Israeli babies. They are not Palestinian babies. They are babies. They are innocent babies who all have the right to live.

Those are not Israeli children, they are not Palestinian children; they are innocent children. They are not Jewish children, they are not Muslim children, they are not Christian children; they are innocent children. They have the same blood coursing through their veins, the same oxygen filling their lungs, the same fear in their hearts, the same tears running down their cheeks. Can you not hear them crying out to us desperately, telling us to stop?

Stop waving the flags! Stop creating invisible boundaries that don’t really exist! Stop building barriers! Please, in the name of all that is holy, in the name of all that is precious, stop the killing.

Thomas F. Deignan Sr.

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