“‘Recipe for a Good Life,’ the latest book by best-selling author Lesley Crewe, is the book sitting on my bedside table screaming for attention. It is the story of a mystery writer who moves from Montreal to rural Cape Breton in the 1950s in search of a solution to her writer’s block — but finds much more.

“Why did I buy the book? Lesley Crewe is author of over a dozen books which my friends keep telling me to read. Plus, this one is set in an area where I lived a few decades ago. Why am I reading it? I got hooked from the very first lines – a quotation from Dorothy Parker: ‘If you have any young friends who aspire to become writers, the second greatest favor you can do them is to present them with copies of ‘The Elements of Style.’ The first-greatest, of course, is to shoot them now, while they’re happy.’” — MARGARET WILLIAMS, Topsham

Mainers, please email to tell us about the book on your bedside table. In a paragraph or two, describe the book and be sure to tell us what drew you to it. What makes it a can’t-miss read for the rest of us? As the days grow colder, and the cozy reading season begins, we want to hear what you are reading and why. Send your selection to pgrodinsky@pressherald.com, and we may use it as a future Bedside Table.

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