Maine has a long history of high voter turnout and the 2014 election was no exception.

In fact, the Pine Tree State led the country last year.

The group Nonprofit VOTE compiled turnout data certified by state election officials. It found that Maine led the country with 58.5 percent turnout among eligible voters. Wisconsin was second (56.8 percent) and Colorado (54.5 percent) was third. Interestingly, Colorado does almost all of its voting by mail. In other words, ballots are mailed directly to voters. That means Maine outperformed a state that has made it about as easy as possible to vote.

Nevada, Tennesee, New York and Indiana were at the bottom in voter turnout with less than 30 percent of their eligible voters participating.

The report also found that states with Election Day registration had the highest voter participation rates, 12 points higher than states without it. Maine is an Election Day registration state.  So is Colorado.

Also driving Mainers to the polls: A competitive gubernatorial race. According to the report, voter turnout averaged 11 points or 33 percent higher in the 22 states with competitive statewide races for U.S. Senate or Governor compared to states without one.

Read the full report here.

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