Good morning, hope you like the white stuff because there’s a little bit more on the way. Legislative offices will open late and and hearings are postponed Wednesday after the blizzard wiped out everything on Tuesday. It will be relatively quiet at the State House, but that should begin to change next week.

First the governor will deliver his State of the State on Tuesday evening. Additionally, the first round of public hearings will begin on a smattering of bills. We should see more bills referenced to committee on Thursday when lawmakers return for another session.

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Democratic lawmakers haven’t had a lot to say about Gov. Paul LePage’s budget, but it’s looking like they’re going to make some kind of stand on his plan to eliminate municipal revenue sharing, and maybe, his income tax cut. The governor has proposed replacing revenue sharing by allowing towns to tax large nonprofits, but early analyses show that doing so could disproportionately benefit larger service center communities over rural localities.

Democrats have taken a wait-and-see approach with LePage and his proposals this year. Waiting for what, you ask? Unclear, but it wouldn’t be a shock if they’re polling certain initiatives in his budget to measure public opinion.


Right now it appears that they’re comfortable opposing the governor’s revenue sharing cut and they’re lining up for a debate over his income tax reduction plan. Perhaps they’ll specifically target how his income tax cut would make it so that people who earn over $50,000 will pay a higher tax rate than those who make $175,000. It’s actually not that simple — get ready for mind-bending explanations of the “bubble bracket” — but it’s an argument that Democrats have made before and it just so happens to line up with President Obama’s rhetoric about taxing the wealthy to help the poor and middle class.

Republicans will call this tack “wealth redistribution,” an effective rhetorical argument if you happen to believe that the current state and federal tax code are level playing fields for all Americans.

Anyway, that debate hasn’t been initiated yet, but here’s what House Speaker Mark Eves, D-North Berwick, said in a prepared statement on Tuesday when asked about Democrats’ position on the budget:

“What Mainers need are tax cuts that actually lift the middle class, making their hard earned dollars go further. As it stands right now, the Governor’s proposal squeezes the middle class and puts enormous pressure on local towns and schools in order to give tax breaks to the very wealthy and corporations. These kinds of policies won’t help grow jobs or strong wages at a time when our state lags behind the nation in both areas.

Democrats want tax cuts to benefit middle class families not drive up property taxes or cut local services. This week’s historic blizzard is a reminder of just how critical state funds for towns are for ensuring streets are plowed and our communities are safe.

We also take strong issue with the governor’s proposal to cut funding for programs that help seniors pay for their medicine and care — these programs are a lifeline for so many seniors, especially in rural areas. Meanwhile, we see little investment to help seniors live independently longer, which is a key priority for Democrats this session.

There is a lot to negotiate in this budget. Maine people can count on Democrats to make sure the budget is fair. We will be at the table working with Republicans and the Governor to ensure that the budget protects middle class families, our seniors and our schools, while ensuring our economy grows from the middle out.”

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In case you missed it, the governor’s non-profit tax drew some interest from the Wall Street Journal. Mainers who have been reading local coverage won’t see much new in the piece, but the WSJ reached out for a little national context. Here’s what Daphne Kenyon, a fellow at the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy in Cambridge, Mass., had to say about the plan:

“It would be a stunning development. I think there would be all kinds of reaction, from litigation to nonprofits’ possibly moving.”

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This guy:

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The governor will be on MPBN’s call-in show Maine Calling Wednesday at noon. Host Jennifer Rooks and MPBN’s Capitol Connection director Mal Leary will interview LePage on a variety of topics, including the budget.

The show is about 50 minutes long.