The first debate in the 2014 race for governor is Wednesday.

You may have heard about it.

Given all the hullabaloo over the gubernatorial debates — who said what, who changed the seating — one may wonder if the whole shebang could get deep-sixed by something as trivial as the shape of a table. Additionally, could Wednesday’s Eggs and Issues event at the Holiday Inn by the Bay in Portland have the potential to be scripted? After all, the candidates, Republican Gov. Paul LePage, Democrat U.S. Rep. Mike Michaud and independent Eliot Cutler, already have the questions for Thursday’s scheduled forum hosted by the Mid Maine Chamber of Commerce in Waterville, according Mid Maine president Kimberly Lindlof.

Chris Hall, CEO of the Portland Regional Chamber of Commerce, the host for Wednesday’s speaking contest, acknowledged that any change in format could derail the event. However, he said the campaigns are all aware of the set-up, the seating and the pre-debate arrival and all agreed to the terms several weeks ago.

“They know exactly where they’re standing and in what order. It’s all been spelled out since those confirmations were done months ago. I sincerely doubt that anybody will be surprised by anything,” Hall said.

Additionally, Hall said, the candidates don’t know the questions.


“I really feel like you get a much better result when the candidates don’t know what they’re going to get asked. They’ve all been great about it. They’ll all be prepped. They’ll be fine,” he said.

Hall said over 660 people have registered for the debate. He said it was largest Eggs and Issues in the the 30-year history of the event. Tickets were purchased online and Hall said the campaigns have a small number of tickets, maybe six per candidate.

“Any preference in the room will be our members, not ringers,” he said.

Hall said it’s going to be a circus in terms of logistics, but “the show will go on, absolutely,” regardless if any of the campaigns attempt to bail at the last minute.

Hall said that the campaigns didn’t make any unusual requests. Republican Gov. Paul LePage requested a “green room” to prepare for the event, but Hall said that’s typical for many speakers at Eggs and Issues.

In other words, it’s unlikely any of these guys will pull a Katy Perry and flip out if one of the organizers festoons the backstage with carnations.

“These guys are all pretty rugged,” Hall said. “They’ll be ready.”

The debate begins at 8 a.m. It will not be televised or live-streamed.