UPDATE @ 3:06 p.m. – The LePage administration is refusing to comment on Richardson’s post, so is Brent Littlefield, the governor’s political outside political consultant. Littlefield referred back to LePage’s previous statement that he supported the elected delegation and hoped the two sides could find a resolution.

However, L.L. Bean heiress, Linda Bean, one of the delegates being challenged, told the Press Herald that she personally complimented the governor on his comments to Richardson and for publicly backing the delegation. Bean said she told the governor this before a meeting that was held Friday in the governor’s office to discuss the lobster crisis with Canada.

Conservative radio host Ray Richardson had the following post on his Facebook page this morning(h/t: Dirigo Blue for spotting it):
"The Governor of Maine, Paul LePage, in a conversation five minutes ago said that if they do not seat the Maine Delegation at the RNC, he will not go. These folks need to be seated.
The Governor gave me explicit permission to make this public.

Good for you Governor … I appreciate, once again, that you stand up for what is right for Maine"

Really, really proud of our Governor, that he would stand up for such principles!"

I couldn’t confirm this immediately via the governor’s staff (most are in Belfast this morning), but it’s worth noting that Richardson is a close acquaintance of LePage.
If true, this adds another wrinkle to, and potential ratcheting of, the ongoing dispute between the Maine GOP delegates whose election is being challenged by Mitt Romney surrogates.