I find it highly amusing how liberal-minded sorts think it’s their job to speak for conservative, God-fearing, Bible-believing people by explaining how we define the “woke movement” (see Daniel Smith’s July 27 letter).

Fear isn’t what drives our perception of the “woke movement.” We are far more awake and aware of what is going on around us than some believe.

The term “woke” is a gimmicky attempt to distract people from reality and further away from America’s Christian roots. No prayer in schools; denial of how all humanity is created (backed by undisputed science) and marriage’s primary purpose (one man, one woman); the steady weakening of parental rights and involvement in their children’s upbringing, and the unrelenting deconstruction of the best and most democratic Constitution in the world – the foundation of U.S. law for 256 years – are all just the tip of the iceberg.

Many Americans have turned their backs on God, and we are seeing the rotting fruit: stunning carnage in our schools and public spaces, rampant drug addiction, teen pregnancy, human trafficking, abortion, racism, domestic violence, etc. That is the woke movement.

Conservatives have a reverential fear of God, and we know what to do: Pray against these problems, for the salvation of lost souls and plead God’s mercy on us by sparing us of His wrath. He brought us into the world – literally – and He can take us out! We don’t fear the “woke movement”; we endorse the wake-up movement!

Lucie Tardif

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