Priscilla Brobst raises a great question in her July 22 letter when she asks someone to explain the conservative response to “woke.” In reality, we know the answer because of decades of biological and social science research: To conservatives, the world is a terrifying and dangerous place. Here are some highlights.

A 2012 study from the University of Nebraska shows that right-leaning people focus on scary or dangerous images while left-leaners pay attention to happy or pleasing photos.

A 2008 study published in the journal Science showed that conservatives have a stronger physiological response to negative stimuli, and a 2011 study from University College London suggests this stronger response may be because of conservatives possessing a larger right amygdala, the part of the brain responsible for fear and sadness.

These results explain much of conservative politics, from the overwhelming need to own guns (“at least I can protect myself”) to the disapproval of LGBTQ people and immigrants. They also explain why Fox News trades in fear and anger (their viewers respond strongly to it).

In sum, “woke” is everything that triggers conservatives on a visceral, biological level. “Woke” just means the world is becoming, in their minds, an even scarier place.

Daniel Smith

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