I voted for Janet Mills twice. To say I regret that is a vast understatement. Her agenda is abhorrent because it is entirely anti-life.

She seems determined to destroy the lives and aspirations of Native tribe members. After repeatedly rejecting their efforts to thrive, indeed, even to survive, she tries to justify this cruelty with vague doublespeak about fear of things that haven’t happened.

Now, Mills expands her cruelty to farmworkers. None of the benefits that accrue to the rest of the working population accrue to farmworkers. They are barely able to survive, but Mills vetoed L.D. 398, which would have provided them the rights and protections the rest of us enjoy. Her motive was clear from her defense: Anything that threatens the bottom line of the agricultural industry will be met with her veto. This is inhumane and inexcusable.

But the most egregious of her anti-life policies is Mills’ determination to expand access to abortion during the third trimester. She is proud that women will come here for abortions from other states. I am horrified and ashamed of this. It is outrageous that she claims she is saving lives, while she mandates a system whose sole purpose is to destroy life.

Janet Mills is busily working to create a culture of death in our beloved state of Maine. Mercifully, she cannot run again.

Judith Pollock

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