We thought we’d done everything right: EnergyStar washer, drier, stove, refrigerator, freezer and water heater. About 14 months ago, we installed energy-efficient heat pumps. My wife and I live alone, so the lights are on only in the rooms we’re using. Our reward for such diligence: a bill for $764.94 for a single month from Central Maine Power, a full $249 more than any other month in the 27 years we’ve lived here.

Perhaps we shouldn’t have been surprised. But it’s always been my impression that the Public Utilities Commission was there to protect Maine consumers. And, as much as I appreciate the energy funds being sent to us by the state, did Gov. Mills ever imagine that the payments to my wife and me would cover just over one month’s costs?

Greg Arsenault

Correction (Feb. 8, 2023): This letter previously mischaracterized the electricity supply rate increase. The Maine Public Utilities Commission approved increased rates for supply last November. Central Maine Power delivers electricity, it does not supply it.

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