One of Maine’s largest commercial real estate firms is expected to announce Wednesday that it’s making a $45,000 donation to support a program to eliminate graffiti in Portland.

The donation by CBRE | The Boulos Co. will allow the LearningWorks Graffiti Busters program to double its graffiti removal efforts, according to Jessica Moninski, the director of program development for the nonprofit organization.

“This is the first time we’ve had a partner in the private sector help us out in this way,” said Moninski, who noted that the program receives support from the city of Portland.

LearningWorks is located in the city’s West End and helps at-risk, immigrant and low-income youth who are struggling academically.

Graffiti Busters is a free graffiti removal service offered in Portland and Biddeford. Since 1994, the group has removed more than 500,000 square feet of graffiti in Portland alone, according to its website.

Portland adopted an anti-graffiti ordinance in 2011 as a way to compel property owners to quickly remove graffiti, which is widely accepted as the best way to deter future acts of vandalism. The ordinance requires property owners to submit a plan to the city to remove unauthorized markings from their buildings within 10 days. It also allows the city to recoup clean-up costs from property owners who do not remove the graffiti on their own.


Graffiti can be reported to the city online, or by calling 874-8972.

The city contributes $35,000 a year to maintain a vehicle and pay for materials and manpower for the program, according to Jessica Grondin, City Hall’s communications director.

The private donation is part of The Boulos Co.’s 40th anniversary celebration. It’s being promoted as a way to increase commercial real estate values in Portland, while “engaging youth interest in respecting property and safe communities.”

Portland Mayor Michael Brennan, Learning Works Executive Director Ethan Strimling and The Boulos Co.’s managing director Drew Sigfridson are expected to be on hand at the announcement, taking place at One Canal Plaza at 10:45 a.m.