It’s time once again for another edition of 10 x 100. Every four to six weeks, instead of a one-topic column, I’ll give 10 updates on business matters in 100 words or less. Feel free to contact me at the Bath-Brunswick Regional Chamber office if you need more information on any of these updates. Here we go!
Groups Recover Together open house, Jan. 18
With 24 branches across New England and 16 of those in Maine, Groups Recover Together has proven to be a successful program to help people with substance abuse addiction using a mix of individualized plans and group counseling. On Jan. 18, they’re holding an open house at 5 p.m. (106 Pleasant St., Brunswick) to meet with people who want to hear more about how they help citizens and local employees. Additionally, they’re receiving a State of New Hampshire accreditation as a recovery-friendly workplace at 5:30 p.m. Join us.
Let’s chat about workforce, Jan. 24
The Maine Tourism Association is holding five regional discussions about workforce around the state over the next six weeks, and the one happening in our Bath-Brunswick region is at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 24, at the Community Room at MTI (8 Venture Ave., Brunswick). Our chamber is co-hosting the event, which is slated to last an hour (or we will stay longer, too) as we discuss workforce obstacles but really focus on some new programs and tangible solutions to help businesses. You can RSVP on the BBRC website at
Being too busy to engage
As you read through these updates, and begin to plan your 2023 schedule, here’s a reminder to be sure you’re not too busy to engage. Sometimes it feels like we don’t have a choice about how busy we are, but if we step back, we often can see that we’re the ones continuing to make the decisions to keep us so busy. We all need time to decompress and get out of our own heads — make sure you make time for this and that you’re not too busy to engage in things outside of your business. There are numerous events weekly happening in the region, and many are programs that can help you and those you work with. If you’re an employer, recognize the signs of burn out, and don’t be afraid to downshift. If you’re an employee, your bosses have never been more willing to be flexible, because they can’t afford to lose you; so, if you need a downshift, let them know and very likely they will work with you.
United Way Midcoast CA$H free tax prep
One of the great annual programs in the region is the Untied Way of Midcoast Maine’s free tax preparation service for households making less than $60,000 per year. IRS-certified volunteer tax filers can help you file for free if you meet the requirements. Appointment scheduling opened this week, for both the Wiscasset and Bath regions. Call 295-6340 or 751-3756 to make an appointment. To learn more, call 295-6340 or email
City of Bath comprehensive plan, Jan. 24
The City of Bath is working on a new comprehensive plan to help shape the future of the city, and they’re looking for community feedback. Drop by the Bath City Hall Auditorium any time between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 24, to participate in their Values and Visions workshop. This is workshop will ask you to answer some map-based questions and other open-ended questions on what you would like to see in the city of Bath. All are welcome to attend, and again, you don’t need to attend for the entire three hours, but rather drop by during those three hours to share your thoughts.
BBRC Annual Meeting of the Membership, Jan. 31
Member businesses, mark your calendars to join us for the chamber’s Annual Meeting of the Membership at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 31. This bylaw-mandated meeting happens during our January After Hours event from 5-7 p.m. The location was not confirmed at the time I needed to submit this column, but I can nearly guarantee once you read this the location will have been set. This meeting is for two purposes: to vote on the 2023 slate of directors and officers and to accept any bylaw changes needed. Look for event details and RSVP on the BBRC website at The event information is under the Jan. 31 calendar posting.
Bylaws and policies
Speaking of bylaws and your organization’s policies, this year might be a good year for you to look over them. Considering that many business owners are reaching an age when they need to have a transition plan in place for their organization, making sure your policies are both accurate and still relevant in 2023 is a big deal. I know one of the bylaws we’re updating mentions having to get 50 signatures on a petition for members to nominate a new director — boy, does that seem impossible in 2023. Just look at your governing policies; you never know when you may need them.
SBA transitions webinar, Jan. 25
Speaking of transitions and succession planning, the Small Business Administration is holding a 90-minute webinar at 10 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 25, called “Business Transitions – How Can You Preserve Your Legacy?” To register, log on to the BBRC website at and search the Jan. 25 event dates.
BBRC Awards Night nominations
Our chamber’s annual Awards Night is coming in March, but the nominations for awards is closing Jan. 31. Get y0ur nominations to me for the business or individual you think deserves recognition at
Hacker’s Ball May 12 at BGC
Save the date, or register with me, for the Chamber’s Annual Golf Tournament, the Hacker’s Ball, on May 12 at Brunswick Golf Club. Due to an impending paternity leave in April, we’re hoping to have all teams signed up by the end of March. Contact me at for more details.
Cory King is executive director of the Bath-Brunswick Regional Chamber of Commerce.
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