It’s been sad to read about so many highway deaths in Maine (and the nation), often caused by distracted or otherwise dysfunctional drivers. I lost a sister to just such an occurrence when a heavily medicated individual fell asleep and crossed the centerline in a large SUV, hitting my sister’s car head on.
This type of accident seems to occur with increasing frequency, whether it’s drug-related, a sleep-deprived driver or by distracting cellphone usage. In most all of these cases, the drivers cross the centerline of a two-lane road, unaware that they’ve done so. I think there is something that can be done to reduce these tragedies.
We’re all familiar with the bump grooves along the breakdown lanes of many interstate highways that alert drivers that they are drifting off the highway. My suggestion is to apply this mechanical divot to the centerline of all state-regulated two-lane highways, giving a wake-up signal to distracted drivers who inadvertently cross the centerline. This would be a low-cost measure that would save countless lives without disrupting other highway maintenance practices such as snow plowing, line painting, etc.
I hope the Maine Department of Transportation and legislators will act to save lives in what is a clear and increasing problem in our state and nationwide.
Paul Morrissey
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