The heat is on in Maine. No, not the type of heat you’d expect for Maine in November. On Saturday the Portland Jetport recorded the warmest November temperature of all time at 75 degrees. We’ve got one more day of temps well above the average for this time of year which is the low 50s.

It all comes crashing down late Monday with a strong cold front sweeping through New England. This cold front will have “teeth” and our temps will drop from close to 30 degrees above average (near 80 degrees) back down to what you’d expect this time of year behind a strong westerly breeze.

Temps will struggle to reach the 50 degree mark on Election Day, but that is exactly what is typical of Maine weather this time of year. Wake-up temps will be in the 20s and 30s Wednesday morning as the balmy 60 degree morning lows will be a thing of the past.

However, the mild air returns late in the week with a run for the 60s ahead of the next storm system approaching from the south. Rain will overspread the region late on Friday into the weekend and it could be heavy at times.

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