While CMP is mulling over rate hikes (“Our View: CMP rate debate has to be a farsighted one,” Sept. 20, Page A4) to prepare its infrastructure for the future, it might want to consider a glaringly obvious solution. We are suggesting burial of its lines as a preventative measure for avoiding the constant battle every time we have a wind-driven weather event.

To be stringing our wires between “trees” (poles) seems so 19th century when we have the ability to bury supply lines such as natural gas, fiber optics, etc. To be really farsighted, analysis should be done to project the actual cost of constantly playing catchup on maintenance of electrical infrastructure.

If you are already digging trenches to lay water, gas, internet lines, etc., why not electric lines at the same time? Efforts should be made to bury lines wherever possible, or we will continue to be paying to combat weather and climate in the future.

Jake Hawkins

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