In 2020, a climate scientist told two New York Times reporters that he was frequently asked whether recurrent West Coast wildfires were the “new normal” and something we had to get used to. The scientist said his response was that there is no “new normal” and things would keep getting worse.

Unless we act quickly and transform our energy systems on a massive scale, he is correct. The Inflation Reduction Act is a good first step; the advocacy group Climate Power estimates that in coming years, the law will cut the average American family’s energy bill $1,000 yearly and create a million jobs annually. Good news but the law will only lower CO2 emissions 40 percent below the 2005 level by 2030; we need to lower them 50 percent to avoid a climate catastrophe.

The fossil fuel industry is blocking a quick transition. For years they were climate deniers and now they are preaching gradual change; if you look at the natural changes occurring, it is clear that decades-long change is not sufficient. The next important legislative step to speed the transition from fossil fuels is a price on carbon, with a monthly dividend returned to American citizens. Over 3,500 economists and many scientists advocate for a carbon fee as the most efficient approach to slow climate change.

If business knows these are the new rules, they will quickly adapt and we will reach our climate goals. Please call Sens. Susan Collins and Angus King, and Reps. Chellie Pingree and Jared Golden and demand a carbon fee to slow climate change and achieve a new normal.

Nancy Hasenfus

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