When Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis shipped 50 Venezuelan asylum seekers to Martha’s Vineyard, I couldn’t help but think of Jesus’ friend Martha.

In the Gospel, Jesus visits the home of Martha and her sister Mary. While Mary is listening to Jesus’ teachings, like welcoming the stranger, Martha is preoccupied with cleaning the house and making sure it looks nice. Jesus gently chides her and tells her his teachings are more important than a dusty counter. While DeSantis was busy “owning the libs” by pulling off a cruel political stunt, he did not recognize he was losing his humanity in the process. Like Martha, DeSantis needs to get his priorities straight.

In another story, Martha is grieving the death of her brother Lazarus when Jesus arrives in town. Though Lazarus has been dead for four days, Martha asks Jesus to bring her brother back from the dead. Deeply touched by Martha’s strong faith in him, Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead. Like Martha, the good people of Martha’s Vineyard are strong in their convictions. Though given 20 minutes’ warning that a plane full of “lonely, poor, huddled masses” was about to land on the island, the residents pulled together to provide shelter, warmth and love to people who have fled horrendous political violence.

In Hebrew, the name Martha means “bitter or strong.” What Gov. DeSantis did was morally wrong and bitter for me to witness. May we always be strong in love and oppose those who would make this world a bitter place.

Gregory Greenleaf

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