I have known Democrat Janet Mills for over 25 years. She posses great intellect and integrity and works tirelessly to make government more responsive to the needs of Maine people and businesses. Thanks to her strong leadership as governor during the COVID pandemic, Maine has one of the nation’s lowest infection and death rates. She also championed expansion of health care; increased investments in public education, and investments in energy efficiency.

Real leadership is not about political bluster or constant criticism of opponents. Real leadership is about setting a vision with goals and inspiring others to work toward those goals. That’s precisely what Gov. Mills has done. Her vision is to make Maine the best state in which to live, work and raise a family.

She has made great progress in her first term, but there is more to do. That’s why the state of Maine needs and deserves her continued leadership.

Steven Rowe
Democratic attorney general of Maine, 2001-2009

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