There are many other ways to obtain a college education without taking out huge loans and going deeply in debt. There are many government programs that pay a person’s way through school. There are ROTC programs, service academies, the GI Bill and other scholarships.

One of our sons wanted to become a medical doctor at a very young age, and that desire didn’t change as he grew older. How to pay for medical school was the worry, so he researched it and figured out he could pay for it by joining the military. He applied to and was accepted in both the Army and Navy ROTC programs and also received an appointment to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.

He chose Army ROTC and was accepted at Boston College pre-med. After getting his bachelor of science in biology, he went on to complete medical school at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. Then he went for his physician residency at Augusta University Health. He is now chief flight surgeon for the U.S. Army 10th Mountain Division at Fort Drum, New York. His only debt is time, with pay.

My husband went to the Coast Guard Academy, and after several years of service used his GI Bill to obtain a master’s degree in education and human development from the George Washington University.

Our other son is using his GI Bill for an MBA. He received several scholarships to pay for his undergraduate degree.

Sherry Heggers

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