“Franklin Towers: Residents in the dark since storm get lifeline” (Aug. 31, Page A1):

How in this day and age can such a travesty happen in Portland, Maine? The residents who live at Franklin Towers have lived there for numerous years. They are on fixed incomes and are senior citizens, and some have disabilities.

However, this does not mean that they should be residing in a hot environment with no electricity. It has been excessively hot and humid here for weeks on end.

Is it safe to be operating their refrigerators in the hallways?

These people cannot keep living like this until the old wiring has been replaced. They should be placed in area hotels with kitchen facilities or meals for them to eat. Also needed are a cool place to live when it’s so hot, a shower, running hot and cold water to prevent the spread of germs and more. We are living in uncharted times these days.

Somebody needs to wake up and go to their aid as soon as possible. How would you like your family members living like that? None of us would ever want that in a lifetime.

Lenore St. Pierre

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