Your front-page, selective outrage June 10 over Gov. LePage’s opposition to the naming of House Speaker Mark Eves to the presidency of the Good Will-Hinckley charter school further underscores your hypocrisy and bias (“LePage rips Eves, tries to foil job chance”).

Despite LePage’s mince-no-words criticism of Eves’ appointment, he did not stoop to attacking the speaker’s personal character and reputation, as the Portland Press Herald has done numerous times by defaming the governor as a liar because he refuses to be intimidated by the media.

Since LePage is largely responsible for introducing and fostering charter schools in Maine, he is uniquely qualified to comment on the credentials – or lack thereof – of the man chosen to preside over the future of its flagship school. Eves himself says it all: “He’s (LePage) been a great supporter of this school. It wouldn’t be here without him.”

LePage cites Eves’ consistent votes against charter schools. Eves now says that his newfound interest in charter schools, predicated on aiding children from difficult backgrounds, outweighs his previous concerns, although he “continues to have reservations.”

How convenient. Didn’t anyone tell Eves that’s precisely why charter schools were established in the first place? He might have asked LePage, who knows firsthand what it is to be at risk.

It’s amazing how Democrats keep undergoing miraculous evolutions of their principles, spurred on by the lure of higher salaries and cushy perks. Eves’ new salary will be $120,000 annually plus benefits in addition to what he will be paid as speaker until the end of his term next year.


LePage earns $70,000 a year. “This (position) aligned with my values,” Eves said. Indeed.

This is a story of a visionary versus an opportunist.

Walter J. Eno
