So columnist Bill Nemitz is retiring (“Thank you, Maine. I think I’ll go home now,” May 1, Page A1).

Like the rest of his faithful followers, of course I’ll miss him. But it’s time for a confession: For years, I’ve been danged jealous of him. As a lifelong on-and-off journalist, I’d have given a lot to have had his job. Writing on any subject, injecting his personal opinions, inspiring loyalty among his readers.

But here’s the thing: I’m not convinced I could have done the job anywhere near as good as he has. Over and over, Bill has caught the essence of Maine and its people. His writing is top level, calling out the bad guys, drawing touching pictures of the good folks and the down and out. Never showing meanness or hubris. Always a touch of empathy and understanding. Demonstrating love of family and friends – old and new.

The best part of his “final” column last Sunday was “I still may weigh in from time to time when the spirit moves me … .” Bill, I hope the spirit moves you quite often.

Norman Abelson

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