As Planned Parenthood of Northern New England celebrates its 50th anniversary April 29, I reflect on what this remarkable organization has accomplished in my adult life.

 In 1965, I was out of high school and entering college.

 In 1970, I helped organize an escort service in St. Louis, Missouri, to help get women past protesters in front of the clinic. (I never thought that in 2015, we would be doing the same thing again.)

 In 1972, we had the first of three daughters.

 About 1995, I drove to Washington with two friends to participate in a march for women’s right to choose. We each took one of our daughters.

During the drive, we discovered we had all had unintended pregnancies. Because of the support of families, and access to resources, two chose to have another child, while one could not. It was fundamental to our understanding that we are pro-choice, not pro-abortion. Our life experiences informed our resolve to continue our fight for choice.


Join us on April 29 at the Holiday Inn by the Bay. We will acknowledge people who have done extraordinary things for reproductive rights, including the escorts who still help women past protesters.

You may not know that the clinic offers an array of health care options for women and men, and abortions account for only 3 to 5 percent of the services provided.

During the First Friday Art Walk on May 1, the Gallery in Planned Parenthood offices at 443 Congress St. will feature art by Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, her husband, William, and her grandson Alexander, who will be there. What a wonderful finale to the week!

Lucky Hollander
