Pregnancy centers in Brunswick and Rockland have new, state-of-the-art ultrasound machines thanks to the Knights of Columbus Sekenger Council 1947 in Brunswick.

The Knights raised $37,000 toward the purchase of ultrasound machines for two Care Net of Mid-Coast Maine pregnancy centers. That amount was matched by the national Knights of Columbus through its ultrasound initiative, which meant the entire $74,953 cost of the machines was covered.

“Sekenger Council 1947 is proud to be able to support Care Net of Mid-Coast Maine with its mission to help women choose life by giving them the opportunity to view their unborn children on ultrasound machines,” said Jim Badger of the council.

“Having an ultrasound available so both moms and dads can view their little one’s earliest stages of development can make all the difference to an abortion-vulnerable woman and her partner who feels disconnected to the pregnancy,” wrote Mary Rose Pray, executive director of Care Net, in a thank you letter to the Knights.

The new ultrasound equipment was needed because the Brunswick center’s machine was outdated, and the Rockland center didn’t have one, meaning expectant mothers had to be referred to Brunswick, more than 50 miles away.

In addition to free ultrasounds, Care Net also offers pregnancy tests and parenting support.

“Our goal is to walk alongside the women, letting them know they are not alone, so they will have the courage to choose life for their unborn babies,” wrote Pray. “We show the love of Jesus to those who visit our Center by serving them with joy.”

Badger said Sekenger Council’s support for Care Net will continue beyond providing the ultrasound machines. He said the council recently opened an endowment with the Catholic Foundation of Maine for the purpose of supporting pro-life work.

Contributions may be made to the endowment by contacting the Foundation at (207) 321-7820 or

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