This Valentine’s Day, Deep Water celebrates bread (and pizza) and the warm gladness of breaking it with those we love. Dennis Camire’s “Upon Hearing that ‘Bread is the Way Sun Enters Our Body’ ” delights in whimsy and puns as it connects our humble shared foods with the light of the very cosmos.

Camire teaches writing at Central Maine Community College and lives in an A-frame in West Paris. The founder of the Portland Poet Laureate Program, his poems have appeared in Poetry East, Spoon River Review, Mid-American Review and other journals. His most recent book is “Combed by Crows,” from Deerbrook Editions.


Upon Hearing that “Bread is the Way Sun Enters Our Body”

By Dennis Camire


I feel this need to knead on my knees

And praise the daily “tran-sun-stantiation”

Of sun into whole grain via The Holy ghost

of yeast. And kudos to each pizza


now morphing into these solar systems

holding so many suns of pepperonis,

quarter moons of onions, and the light’s

epic expansion in the running cheese—


so, chewing a slice, we feel we’re ingesting

nothing less than the star-stuff of Helios.

And, after we caffeinate conversations,

With “the solar flare espied in the éclair”


Or “the northern lights espied in marbled rye”—

consider the sourdough soul’s own second rising

when musing how that same sun then beams through

The doughy body’s own celestial abode—


So our neurons feel the same heat

As those distant rings of Neptune do

And our membranes glow for the same reason

As any of the solar system’s marvelous moons;


And sun, bread, and body are now one

Grand string-laden-cosmos-in-expansion—

Heeding us, surely, to feel delight’s vitamin d

As your lover’s hand, say, alights and tans your thigh—


Or to know the solar radiation of a soul

So freely giving affection over to your blue being—

Which fathoms, now, how that sacred moment

Of silence before breaking open the loaf


is heightened by looking into one another’s eyes

And recognizing all the sunshine in disguise.


Megan Grumbling is a poet and writer who lives in Portland. Deep Water: Maine Poems is produced in collaboration with the Maine Writers & Publishers Alliance. “Upon Hearing that ‘Bread is the Way Sun Enters the Body,’ ” copyright @ 2017 by Dennis Camire. Reprinted from “Combed by Crows” (Deerbrook Editions, 2017), it appears by permission of the author.

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