As a U.S. citizen, I’m putting this on record.

In the U.S., 160 million voters were expected to vote in this election. By saying Wednesday that he wants even the initial vote counting to stop, Donald Trump has declared himself a would-be tyrant.

One of my ancestors took a musket ball to the forehead at Bunker Hill. I’ll be damned if I’ll kneel and put a knuckle to my own forehead for Donald J. Trump. The United States have no king.

If votes are counted transparently, and Trump wins, I’ll accept that. I’m a law-abiding citizen. However, I will never again call him president. Honorable titles are for the honorable.

Trump has crowned himself with a new title: term-limited, would-be dictator. His term as so-called president of the United States will expire on Jan. 20, 2021, upon his natural death, upon his removal from office by the Senate (and let him not earn that) or no later than Jan. 20, 2025.

If Trump is found to have lost this election and attempts to unconstitutionally remain in power past Jan. 20, then I trust that those who serve in the U.S. armed forces will note what happens in the Supreme Court and uphold their oaths of enlistment.

Matthew Fisher

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