We have had a low COVID infection rate in Maine, not because we are lucky or blessed, but because we really, really did a good job of preventing spread by the two simplest things – wearing a mask and using sanitizer and soap – and then, the hard thing – staying away from others.

I’m so proud of our state for preventing an uncontrollable surge with our diligence. But COVID cases and hospitalizations are suddenly surging in Maine, not only as a result of “super-spreader” events, but also at small gatherings.

We’re just so tired of staying apart and wearing masks. But to all of you who feel that a mask is an infringement of your rights: Think of it as buckling your seat belt and staying sober while driving. It is a small gesture for you, and may save someone’s life. It’s not enough that you aren’t afraid of getting this virus. Even if you are not symptomatic, you may pass it on to others.

Not wearing a mask at this time, given all that we know about transmission of COVID, is knowingly putting others at risk. Drunken drivers put us all at risk, and so operating under the influence is deemed criminal negligence. I see not wearing a mask as criminal negligence. I can’t, for the life of me, understand why anyone would take a stand that knowingly endangers lives.

Someone cleverer than I once said, “Your right to do what you want with your fist stops at my jaw.” Please, everyone, stay the course.

Christine Koch
South Portland

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