Employees at the Portland Museum of Art seeking to become unionized is a means of encouraging sound professional management to make their organization more sustainable. Collective bargaining agreements can stabilize the workforce and reduce the need for employees to search for a better job.

Collective bargaining can enable a business or a museum to better plan their budget, as it provides a structure for employees and management to work together for a better organization. Collective bargaining promotes fairness in the workplace because it should eliminate favoritism.

As the movement for living wages grows, in America that also includes benefits: medical, dental, optical, retirement, sick days, vacation, training, etc. An organization is only as strong as its weakest link.

The absence of collective bargaining results in some employees receiving better compensation than others. Any form of favoritism results in incompetence and corruption.
Businesses involving public interaction have the potential for ailing employees going to work because they need the money. Collective bargaining agreements that can provide structures for policies and practices that protect all parties are in everyone’s best interests.

Jack Boak

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