Modern addicts to the “Second Amendment” seem profoundly ignorant of its origins.

In Colonial New England, my male ancestors between 16 and 55 were required to keep a musket, ball and powder, and an edged fighting weapon in their homes (clergymen and fishermen excepted). However, they were subject to the commands of their elected officers, who in turn were absolutely subject to the orders of the governor and his council.

Freelance public traipsing about with a firearm could be punished by jail, stocks at a public venue, whipping, fines and public humiliation. A concealable pistol could be considered as evidence of intent to commit a capital crime and end at a whipping post or on the gallows.

Today’s cowboy anarchist wannabes of the Michigan variety are not fit to own a sharp knife, much less a firearm.

William Burgess Leavenworth

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