I disagree with Editorial Page Editor Greg Kesich’s Oct. 11 column, declaring the death of television debates. The fact that neither presidential candidate answered the questions posed tells us volumes about them, their acuity, their cleverness, etc. Here, perhaps more important are their demeanor and composure. The president’s badgering of both the moderator and his opponent reinforces many voters’ view that he will continue to treat his political opponents, his underlings and our historic allies the same.

Further, a canned stump speech is no substitute for the unscripted push and pull of a debate.

Finally, we see non-verbal cues in these debates. More disturbing than the fly that took up residence in the vice president’s hair was the latter’s oft-quivering lower lip, either the intentional practiced art of a former talk show host or the unconscious twitch of a man convinced of his own moral and spiritual righteousness. He may be scarier and more dangerous than his boss.

May we continue to be horrified by and learn from these debates.

David Turesky
Cape Elizabeth

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