The Portland Press Herald Editorial Board (Our View, Oct. 4) says that “Joe Biden should be our president.”

This 96-year-old World War II combat veteran and Harvard University graduate, who lived through the Great Depression and during the administrations of 17 presidents, respectfully disagrees.

Joe Biden is the weakest presidential candidate of my lifetime.

Biden is a Santa Claus wish list; he can be anything you want. And if you don’t like his principles, he’s got others in his sack.

A newspaper that editorialized the uncorroborated fiction that professor Christine Blasey Ford made “credible allegations” against Justice Brett Kavanaugh and published a columnist who libeled then-Gov. Paul LePage as “borderline sociopathic” is not in the business of telling the truth or of providing a public service.

Don’t believe either of them. Seek reliable sources of information, and approach a Biden presidency with clear eyes and no illusions.

Walter J. Eno

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