In Jim Fossel’s Aug. 23 column, his assumption that elected leaders are “less likely to be asked about it (the Central Maine Power corridor) by constituents on a day-to-day basis if it’s not being voted on this year” and that it will ease leaders’ ability “to explain their votes on bills related to the project outside the heat of a referendum campaign” doesn’t consider the fact that Mainers are completely outraged that decisions made about the destructive CMP corridor have often sided with foreign corporations over the citizens of Maine.

The referendum was always viewed as one of many possible avenues to stop the CMP corridor. While that door may be closed for now, many options remain open to defeat the corridor through legal, political and legislative pathways.

The majority of Mainers agree that the CMP corridor is a horrible deal for Maine. The grassroots opposition to the corridor has always been nonpartisan, and the corridor debate has become one of the most unifying issues in Maine.

Now, more than ever before, Mainers need to vote for leaders who represent citizens’ interests rather than siding with two foreign corporations. Constituents will continue to be in discussion with state candidates about their view on the corridor issue. There are an increasing number of state leaders who stand with the people of Maine to oppose the corridor.

Leading up to the November election, voters will be considering candidates based on their view of the corridor and whether they will put profits over people, and jeopardize Maine’s environment and way of life.