Democratic candidate for governor Mike Michaud raised nearly $440,000 in the latest campaign finance reporting period, outpacing Republican Gov. Paul LePage, who raised $271,000.

Independent candidate Eliot Cutler, who has trailed Michaud and LePage in polls, raised $183,000 in the period, which ran from mid-September to Tuesday.

Of the three candidates, Michaud also has the most cash on hand, $560,000, according to a filing with the Maine Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices disclosed Friday. LePage’s filing showed he had about $361,000 in cash, and Cutler’s showed $136,000.

Michaud’s campaign said he has raised a total to $2.85 million in his bid for the governor’s office, significantly more than LePage’s $1.9 million in his re-election effort.

Cutler, who has loaned his campaign more than $1 million but no money in this period, has collected $2.9 million in contributions and loans to date, his campaign said.

“We are pleased with the continued success of our fundraising efforts,” Cutler campaign manager Ted O’Meara said in an email.