The Legislature of Maine has passed legislation called the Maine Green New Deal, which will require total reliance on alternative energy by 2050.

Why wait that long? All of the legislators who voted for the Maine Green New Deal should immediately choose to lead by example.

How about Janet Mills going off the grid in her mansion in Augusta and installing windmills along with the solar panels already put up there, thereby further reducing her reliance on fossil fuels? All the legislators who voted for the Maine Green New Deal should go off the grid and install solar panels and windmills.

Instead of driving individual cars to Augusta, which are terrible polluters, all legislators should be required to carpool or perhaps drive to Augusta in buses. When the weather is better in the summer, perhaps motorcycles or scooters, which use a small amount of gas, would be a better option to get to Augusta. Driving a Prius is not the answer and does have its drawbacks. Perhaps because Prius drivers simply do not purchase enough gas is why the Mills administration is tracking Maine drivers – do they intend to possibly impose a road usage tax?

Change is not easy and usually involves sacrifice, but those proposing the change should be the first to sacrifice; to do otherwise would be extremely hypocritical.

Susan Kamuda


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