The stakes could not be higher on climate change. Our children are already inheriting a world vastly different from the one we grew up in. The Gulf of Maine is warming 99 percent faster than the rest of the ocean. Warmer winters make Maine more hospitable for new species of ticks and the diseases they carry. Ocean acidification threatens our shellfish industry, as clams, oysters and mussels are more vulnerable to disease and predators.

In Washington, D.C., our federal leaders now have a chance to make a difference on this existential threat. On Nov. 21, six members of Congress, including Rep. Chellie Pingree, introduced the 100% Clean Economy Act. The bill sets a nationwide goal of net-zero climate pollution by 2050, and directs all federal agencies to make a plan to reach that target. It will mean replacing dirty energy with clean sources like solar and wind in all parts of our economy, including manufacturing, transportation and power plants.

Maine needs Rep. Jared Golden to co-sponsor and vote for this bill, demonstrating he understands the gravity and urgency of climate change. Finding common ground and getting this work done across party lines will not be easy, but every politician should gather up their courage by taking a close look at growing support in their home districts, as demonstrated by the Yale Climate Opinion Maps (

The political momentum and urgent need to act on climate are clear. It’s high time Congress passes comprehensive climate legislation, beginning with the 100% Clean Economy Act.

Anya Fetcher


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