I wish to congratulate Victoria Hugo-Vidal on her sobriety and thank her for writing the Dec. 1 Maine Millennial column, “Heading into the holidays, sober.”

The publication date of her column coincidentally marked 16 years since my last hangover, and if I may offer anything about recovery: It gets easier!

Blessings on those who refrain from drinking as a show of support for you – because it’s wicked hard! I bring seltzer (BYOS?) to every function and have the makings for “mocktails” at home.

“No, thank you. I’m driving” is my pat response to the offer of alcohol, and new traditions are helpful. Who knew that “Sober January” would become hip?

May the solstice and hygge carry us through the winter sky and into the equinox – when we’re three months healthier and happier.

Tess Armstrong


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