IF YOU’RE LOOKING to party, network or support a good cause this week, check out:

*Portland Greendrinks, 5:30 to 8 p.m., Bayside Bowl, Portland. Network with green-minded business people during an event that benefits the League of Young Voters Education Fund. Free if you bring your own drinking vessel. www.portlandgreendrinks.com.

* Wine Tasting, 4:30 to 6:30, Leavitt & Sons, 37 Depot Road, Falmouth. Casual, complimentary and open to anyone age 21 and older. Free. www.leavittandsons.com.

*The Portland Press Herald’s DivaTini Challenge, 7:30 to 11 :30 p.m., Italian Heritage Center, Portland. Sample the top four original DivaTini drinks and vote for the winner. Participate in the charity bachelor dance to benefit the Susan Curtis Foundation. $20. Tickets at www.adashofdiva.com.
*Third Friday Art Walk, 5 to 8 p.m., locations throughout Bath. Visit more than 20 galleries in and around downtown. Free. www.fiveriversartsalliance.org.