STEMWINDER SCULPTURE WORKS & Gardens in Warren will be open for a holiday open house this weekend and several other occasions throughout the fall. Sculptor Jay Sawyer will show a variety of new work, as well as older pieces that anchor his 2-plus acres of natural landscape. Most of the work is inspired by found objects and industrial salvage. The studio and gardens will be open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, Sunday and Monday, and every Monday in September; Sept. 10-12 as part of the Country Roads Artisan Tour; and Oct. 2-3. The gallery is at 90 Maple St. Take Route 1 to Route 90, travel Route 90 one-quarter mile and watch for the red-white-and-blue pickup truck on the right side of the road marking the driveway for the gallery. For information, call 273-3948.


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